kickbacks & bribery schemes…

tryin’ too hard

i’m gonna
reserve my right
to pass out
carte blanche;
fold it in half,
stick it in my pocket
anticipating peripatetic
desperation later.

razor clacking on
mirrors make
too much peculiar
noise; amidst the tiny
hours, gets hard to keep
lines straight;
can’t concentrate, can
barely see.

obviously, rugs sit
convincingly underfoot,
walls never tire of
holding up the roof,
everything is familiar; yet
nonconvertible currency
of memories is worth
anything i got.
some days
they even breathe
on my behalf.

limping larger
circles changes
the scale of
everything &
goes nowhere. i’m
dragging along
half my legs to sounds
of static leakin’
from a broken radio.

waiting on phone calls
long past any
likelihood of triggering
a ring; hiding
in static is a
convenient excuse…
too easy.

air conditioned-silence
is cool;
everything goes
according to plan
even when it doesn’t.
uncomfortable clacking
ceases amidst
exceptionally coincidental
romance. cloudy
moon skies,
beautiful wind.

in my dream,
it’s smooth sailing
for ships at sea &
drivers at night. anticipating
peripatetic desperation,
all is well for now &
must be pressed as
far as it’ll go,
far as we can.
later, when i wake,
i’ll figure the rest
out. nothing new


(second draft, original can be found here) I am of the opinion there is something else trying to elbow it’s way out of this, but I thought it was good enough to post as a second draft in the hope someone can spot anything that doesn’t make sense within the framework of the poem. Well, guess we shall find out. Time for some rainy night errands to Sev’s for Haribo gummi bears & maybe some beef jerky. Submitted to Monday Poetry Potluck. Great people, check out the link on the left to read some great poetry. Truly dedicated poetry community. Good people from all over the poetry blogworld.

BTW – Anyone who lives in Europe or anywhere else where you are lucky enough to get real sugar Haribo as opposed to crappy disgusting corn syrup sweetened gummi products do not know how lucky you are. I was lucky enough to get some as a gift and they were the best gummi candy EVER.)

Plus, Haribo makes like a thousand shapes of gummi candy and they are almost all good. The best however, can be found here: If you can eat five pounds of that and not have your bowels turn into a Spackle factory, then you are a tougher hombre than I.

Well, this is quite the tangent. Oh Thank Heaven ™ I know where I need to go. Good Sev’s has a bunch of flavors/shapes and is open 24 hours, which is great when you need gummi bears at 2 in the morning. I need gummi bears at two hundred hours! (When this turns into an all-nighter, you’ll know why. I did Whups again. Every time…. lol.)

20 Responses to “kickbacks & bribery schemes…”

  1. Scent of my heart Says:

    walls never tire of holding up the roof … good that they don’t I’d say … Haribo? Really? Smile here! They’re best in the UK or any airport duty free shops! Good post!

    • I was about to say wow you’re up early, but then I realized that wasn’t true. Yes, I have a weakness for Haribo products. The ones I tried with real sugar were fucking awesome. Working on getting more. Glad you liked the poem,


      • Scent of my heart Says:

        I usually start my day with your posts of your night, then I have something to think about on my way to work /smile/ It was 8.00 am. Want me to send you some? Haribo?

  2. hmmm…this poem takes me somewhere that my mind is no sure it wants to go…I have read this three times and must continue…it is knocking at the door of my unconscious..well, I made this all about me, didn’t I? There’s just something about this poem…thats all I got for now Mr.C Fool

    • I am a firm believer the reader brings as muhc or as little meaning to the poem as they see fit. Read on, I am always happy when a poem stands up to repeated readings. Glad you are giving it such deep consideration. Thanks for reading and for the compliment. Lemme know if you come to any interesting conclusions, I always enjoy seeing how a poem is analyzed.


  3. by the way…I like it

  4. A.B. Thomas Says:

    A really rich, cool ride that I enjoyed! I particularly enjoyed the line “waiting on phone calls long past any likelihood of triggering a ring” I don’t know why, but slick, very slick

  5. nice piece. an ode to bad lifestyles? good job!

    • Not so much an ode to bad lifestyles (check out the ‘Delinquents On Parade’ link towards the top left for that kind of thing!) as trying to interpret the line between choice and deterministic thoughts. Just how I examine the reality of life as it occurs to me. Thanks for stopping by, and glad you dug the poem. I owe ya a visit.


  6. dreams and reality, they are mixed.
    beautiful piece, thanks for sharing with potluck.

  7. I like the very gentle mood of this poem, a really enjoyable read! I write too… but nothing as elegant as this I fear. if you fancy giving helpful advice =) x

    • Always happy to give advice with the caveat that I am no expert, just another kid with a computer who likes to play with words. I would be glad to read through your poetry and let you know what I think. Thanks much for reading through the piece, glad you liked it. Hope your having a good night,


  8. I enjoyed it very much.. and slowly you have developed the verse into a fine thought… image. I liked the lines
    ‘in my dream,
    it’s smooth sailing’

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  9. Haribo? Really? yum yum cola bottles! I really liked the non urgency to this poem. I usually read your poems and feel, wow, tonnes of emotion, sometimes anger, sometimes a sense of belonging and kinship, sometimes lost in a moment. Glad you knocked my door again ❤

    • Good to hear from ya. Funny thing is I don’t usually set out to write from an emotional POV, it just creeps into how I see the world I guess. Funny you dig the cola bottles. I haven’t tried the real sugar version of that one but the HFCS version is fucking awesome. Glad to see you posting again; you keep writing & I will keep reading, and vice versa. Take care & don’t be a stranger.

      (doesn’t that seem odd coming from a character who doesn’t write under his own name or picture? so weird!)


  10. I like the meandering tone you use… the common place, the carpeting underfoot…

    • Thanks for the compliment & the visit; the subject matter seemed very much a meandering path, so I suppose the tone I used was just a reflection of my impressions (fleeting as they were.) Glad ya liked it,


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