kindness in bed…

note to a former lover

we were silverware
together in bed.
i could turn
to see you breathe,
laying inches from
your lips.

sometimes you woke up
smiling, askin’ me
what i was thinking ’bout.
i lost my answer in
your eyes &
still you reached
over my shoulder
to rub red scratch
marks you’d left
hours before.

finally i told you i was
thinking about me &
you down the line; it
was a pipe-dream & it
felt so good to pull you
close to me, even
if it wasn’t close enough.

today we wake up so
many miles apart;
i can’t see you breathe,
no scratches to soothe,
& whatever questions remain
concern friendship &
not slick-skinned
entanglement at the
doorway to paradise.

if you ever read this,
you’ll know how much
it meant to watch you
inhale; seeing your
chest rising & falling
in the darkness.
beauty wrapped magic
smiling at me & never
knowing how much
it meant to see you


Dedicated to a few angels who took in a wounded poet and made him understand love & generosity, My terpsichore may be on a wayward trajectory, but kindness & acceptance in the face of rejection is worth it’s weight in gold. Thanks to all my angels for a nudge in the right direction,

41 Responses to “kindness in bed…”

  1. Lovely tribute to them! I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. Sometimes it matters so much just to watch, just to get lost in those moments. It hurts like hell when they’re gone, but well, the fact that they were once there always brings a smile. Wonderful poem! I could really feel this one.

    • Glad you liked it. I was smoking a cigarette and got the image in my head of something that happened years ago and wanted to put into a poem. Oddly enough, most of my ex’s don’t read my poetry, so I guess I’m safe on that count. You are totally right about it hurting like hell, but it does get better as time goes on.

      Thrilled you liked the poem, and glad you felt it. Thanks for the kind words, they are most appreciated.


  2. Scent of my heart Says:

    we were silverware
    together in bed.
    i could turn
    to see you breathe,
    laying inches from
    your lips.,,,

    this is my favorite!

    May you always have an angel around you to make you smile!

  3. I think what should be able to express the way you do.. liked also show your courage to reveal and open your heart.. essential traits for poetry..

    Would love if you could visit my page and honor me with your feedback..

    • Thanks for the visit, and I did visit your site and enjoyed reading your poetry. No reason to write poetry if you aren’t willing to open yourself up and force honesty into the poems. Appreciate the compliment and agree wholeheartedly.


  4. oops mistake in my comment..Read ‘one’ should be able to and not ‘what’

  5. each time a true poet speaks, words grow wings…
    these take flight.
    superb write crb.

    • True poet huh? Careful, your making my ego big. lol. Thanks for the high compliment and I am glad you dug the poem. Writing this one was a lot of fun despite having to think back on some pretty good nights leading to some pretty bad ones. Still, I’ve no fear of letting people in to see what’s below the surface, assuming they really wanna find out.

      Thanks so much for your kindness, hope you are having a good day. Take it easy,


      • unremarkable_m Says:

        you have it in you C… should you ever seriously put you mind to it. And my standard is notorious as you might guess :))
        best of the festives!!

      • Well thanks kindly, I am trying as hard as I can to work on my poetry. I too have very high standards and know most poetry is not really poetry but simple words. That’s not what I am going for. That said, can’t thank you enough for all the kind comments. There have been some seriously bad days saved by the support I get from all the comments here.

        When it comes to poetry, it is an all or nothing kinda game. I hope to hell to you are right about “it” being in me, I want nothing more than to become a good poet. That people take their precious time and read something I wrote makes me so happy; it’s the best high I know of (and I know a lil bit about that…lol)

        Best of the festives to you too. One of these days I might even tell everyone my real name…lol!!! Take it easy,


  6. thoughtsnotlost Says:

    So lovely. Well done!

  7. This was a contemplative thoughtful piece.

  8. A very lovely musing on the comfort and wonder of love, though it be gone.

  9. Ah, kissing kissing, that’s what I’ve been missing..but less of that. Great tribute, I haven’t a clue where it leads but it’s fun whilst it lasts šŸ™‚

    • Well, unfortunately the only place it leads is to sleeping alone, but being an insomniac, that isn’t a big deal. But it is wonderfunl to get to taste the honey every once in a while. Go get kissed, but make it someone worth it. Take care & good luck,


  10. moondustwriter Says:

    this one brought a tear to my eye. Love is all of it but there are those simple things that make the difference – always

    a beautiful poem
    thanks for your comment

    • Anytime mdw. I’m not sure I know anything about love (shit, ask all my ex’s!) but I’m happy you enjoyed it and hope the tear was a happy one, not a sad one. And you are correct, it is the simple things that make the difference in life. Until we find whatever it is we’re looking for, the search continues. Have a good one and stop by anytime.


  11. I love!!! Beyond…thanks šŸ™‚

  12. Ah, the fitting together of the silverware, the feel of the other as a natural extension of yourself and the world, inseparable, but unfortunately, not really. Sometimes you go to the drawer and wonder where all the spoons have gone…sad and lingering poem, CF.

    • I have a sentimental side; it’s just buried under a lot of disastrous experiences. I do know what a moment of love feels like so I took that and went from there. The sadness behind it is the fleeting nature of the experience. I’m fine alone, but the story is a good one to tell, eh? What can ya do but try?

      Glad you got the spoon reference. Worked well to set the mood of the poem. Thanks much for stopping by,


  13. Oh, this is romantic, sad, seductive and sweet all at once! I definitely know how it feels to be beside another one night, watching the rising and falling of his chest, and then be alone in the same bed the next night.

    • Glad you could identify with the scene. It is everything you said and I’m almost in awe of the whole process. Guess that’s part of the BIG picture; ya gotta see both sides of the coin to appreciate the other. Thanks for stopping through,


  14. “never
    knowing how much
    it meant to see you
    breathe” – truly beautiful. This is quite poignant for me,after 28 years of marriage, I still on occasion wake up to find my husband watching me breathe.

    • Always glad to see your avatar here at TFBP. Glad you liked the imagery. Most of the story is in those moments when we don’t even know we are together. Congrats on the 28 years; I hear the second 28 get even better! Thanks for reading/commenting/complimenting.


  15. slick-skinned
    entanglement at the
    doorway to paradise – oh man, so wish I’d written that

    Such a sense of loss and longing in this.

    we were silverware
    together in bed. – made me think of Billy Collins’s poem ‘Divorce’ and if you can put me in mind of Collins you’re doing something right. Loved this from start to finish.

    • Nailed it in one. There is a certain longing that runs through all my poetry and this was a close up examination of it. I’ve mentioned it many times, but the search continues.

      Holy shit, you just compared me to Billy Collins…ego is rising by the minute.(lol) I’ve only read a few of his poems but have loved what I’ve read. I will check out the one you mentioned. Glad you enjoyed the poem,


  16. I love watching my man sleep, I would really miss that if he was gone.

  17. signed .............bkm Says:

    Brillant really think this is the best ….love the first stanza (the silverware line) and all the rest..the breathing …just watching someone breath and the visions of maybe and maybe not…years passing and remembering all in one great read…thank you…bkm

    • Considering your significant poetic talent, I consider that a great compliment. I’m not sure I’m brilliant, but I love writing poetry and using imagery that people can identify with. It is difficult to keep a reader emotionally involved in the poem but I do the best I can with that. Now if I could find someone to watch me sleep I’d be set. (lol) Glad you liked the poem, Hope all is well in bkm’s world.



  18. Each love and lover is unique; I once thought when one or another left, married, faded from view I would eventually forget; but I didn’t. I remember them, distilled them and eventually wrote them as you did here. This was written well, in a unique voice with tenderness of memory. Merry Christmas dear..have a happy holiday and new year.

    • Thanks kindly Gay. What you said is very true. Having had a decent number in my life, I can def. agree to that. Very happy you enjoyed the poem, have a Merry xmas & a great new year as well. Take care,


  19. this was good….and you never forget…the memories people leave can stay with you forever…a great poem..(again) that you shared with One Shot..all the best Pete

  20. Wonderful things can happen in bed. Nice One Shot!

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